Ever Heard of These Kitchen Hacks?

Mary Scott
4 min readJan 16, 2022


Don’t we all love an easy way out?

This trait has to be the driving force behind most of mankind’s technological advancements over the centuries. Ease and comfort save time and energy, two essential ingredients that make life worth living. Fortunately, this ease should also be found in the kitchen. We’re sure you agree that loads of serious business go down in the kitchen. That’s why we’ve decided to ease that workload with these surprising hacks that you could put to use in the kitchen. Keep your fingers crossed.

Keep Potatoes White

If there’s ever a time that you need to cook with potatoes, there’s a simple and easy way to keep them white. You will agree that no one wants their potatoes turning brown on them. It takes a lot of time to explain why it’s like that and it just affects the outlook of the meal. To keep your potatoes white, put them in a bowl and have them filled with cold water. That’s all you’ll be needing.

Slow Down the Perishing

One secret about those red, juicy tomatoes is that they love to be kept upside down. Yes, you read it right. To slow down the rate at which your tomatoes rot, keep that part with the green stalk face down. This reduces the amount of air that gets into it which slows down perishing.

Win over Eggshell Pieces

Have you ever had to experience the frustrations that come with picking out eggshells from a bowl of eggs? It is the true test of patience, you’ll agree. So here’s how to win this game; one, get your hands wet and dip it right into the egg, it’s that easy. Two, use half of your already-cracked egg to pick up bits of the broken eggshell. This way, you won’t waste too many eggs because the shell would act as a magnet.

For Ginger Skin, All You Need Is a Spoon

It could be quite a lot to remove the skin from a ginger root. Instead of using a knife and wasting time struggling with the many edges and contours, use a spoon. It’s easier.

Microwaves and Citrus Fruits

You’ll want to know what these two have in common, right? Well, the former helps the latter peel easily. Yes, if you want to avoid all of the mess that comes with peeling a citrus fruit, pop it in the microwave for a minute. Be careful not to burn yourself.

Slice a Lot of Tomatoes at the Same Time

Since we are about saving time, here’s how to cut a whole lot of tomatoes on time. You’ll be needing a plastic lid that can hold the number of tomatoes you’ll want to cut at the same time. After you’re done placing the tomatoes, cover it up with another plastic lid of the same size. Once both lids are firmly placed, run your knife through in the middle, there you go!

Photo by Ron Lach from Pexels

Peel a Garlic in Five Seconds

Here’s how to achieve this incredible feat; put your clove of garlic in a bowl, cover it up with another bowl that is the same size and give it a shake. Maybe you’ll even dance a little while you’re at that. If you did shake the bowl and your body, you should have peeled garlic cloves when you open the bowl.

Bottle Openers and Perky Jar Lids

If you ever come in contact with an impossible jar lid, which you will, and nothing seems to be working at that time, (when a few seconds feel like a millennium) get a bottle opener. All you need to do is try to lift the lid with the opener until you hear a pop. You can use your hands again after that, unscrewing the once perky lid couldn’t be easier.

Frozen Fruits Are Better as Ice Cubes

Have you ever wanted a cold drink so bad but you dread that the cubes will only water down the taste after a while? You need not worry, we’ve got you. All you need to do is replace the cubes with frozen fruits. Yes! While that might work, you’ll have to experiment with a couple of fruits, so you’ll know what works for you. Once you’ve found the perfect fruit, nothing can stop you, well, except an empty cup. The joy of frozen fruits as an alternative to ice cubes is that you can eat the fruit once your drink is gone.



Mary Scott
Mary Scott

Written by Mary Scott

Mary is an Editor at the online women’s magazine, AmoMama, and is passionate about improving quality of life for the African girl child.

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